Saturday 17 May 2014


Diet and nutrition plays a crucial role in the health and well-being of a person. Without proper diet, one would remain unhealthy and his body could not resist everyday physical and mental stress and fall in to several diseases. Following are the major components of food daily needed by every person for a healthy life.


Macro-nutrients are the components of food needed in larger amounts. These include; carbohydrates, fats and protein.

Carbohydrates are basic component of human diet. Providing energy to body is their main characteristic. They provide 4.5 calories of energy per gram. Grains, fruits, sugar-cane, honey etc are best source of carbohydrates. Sugar foods provide instant energy to the body.

Fats &oils are another macro-nutrient. They provide larger amount of energy (9 calories per gram). Oils (liquid at room temperature) are better than fats (solid at room temperature) as they’re more easily digestible and absorbed by the blood vessels. Consuming higher amount of fats can lead to diseases like high blood pressure, stroke etc.Fats are precursors of steroid hormones. 

Proteins are body-building components of food. They also provide energy equal to carbohydrates but their main function is to repair the damaged cells of body and create new cells. Muscles, bones, hairs, nails etc are largely made from proteins. They are also precursors to many hormones. 


Micro-nutrients are those components of food required in smaller amounts. These are vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins are needed for different important body functions. There are divided in two parts: fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.

Vitamin A, D, E and K are known as fat-soluble due to their solubility in fats. Vitamin A is important for vision and skin. Vitamin D is needed for bones. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant while deficiency of Vitamin K can create bleeding tendency. They can be stored in body if taken in amounts more than required.

B Vitamins and Vitamin C are soluble in water. Therefore, they can not be stored in body. B Vitamin are required for metabolism while deficiency of Vitamin C can lead to scurvy (bleeding from different body organs).

Minerals are also important components of food required for different body functions. Iron is important for Red Blood Cells, Calcium and phosphorus are necessary for bones, while Iodine, Sodium, Chloride, Magnesium, Zinc etc are also important minerals required for multiple important purposes.

Other Major Food Components

Water is an important solvent and necessary to perform major functions of the body. It transports different hormones, enzymes and dietary substances to their required places in the body. It plays a vital role in circulatory, excretory, digestive and other systems of body.

Dietary fibers are type of carbohydrates that can not be digested. They are necessary for digestive system as they prevent constipation and other intestinal diseases. Recent researches also prove their benefit in diabetes and cardiac health. 

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